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Lately a 26-year-old Czech Grandmaster David Navara became our good friend and frequent guest in the World Chess Cup press-center.

I could not help getting interested in such a bright and at the same time mysterious personality. Here is what I got to know during our conversation with him ….

Tamila Musaeva


Little Navara was born and grew up in Prague. His father is a scientist in mathematics, and his mother is a dentist: they have been implanting him love to science and sport since he was very small. When the family lived through difficult times they tightened the purse strings by investing their money into their son to study chess.

The fact that we know David as a professional and perspective sportsman today is the result of his parents’ hard work. Their grateful son refers to his parents as to his mentors as well as to his closest friends. Besides, David has a younger brother. Navara said that they are absolutely different but it does not prevent them from being close friends too. «Of course, I would like to see him more, to exchange news and to share our ups and downs, but we are already adults.  Each of us has his own vocation for which we spare all our time», — he added sounding slightly sad.

We met with David in one of the local cafes. Having made a sip of coffee, he started his story: — I graduated from the Charles University in Prague one year ago. I was at the department of philosophy studying logics. When I was a student I had to combine studying in the university during the day-time and studying chess. I tried to use all the opportunities in order to be a miscellaneous personality. It might be the reason for the fact that I do know how to relax. I spend most of my time in front of computer and reading. To my mind, a contemporary person does not have a right to waist a single minute of his life, it is so short and there is so much to do to make sure that life was not in vain.

 — You surely have friends who manage to seduce you from your home? — I communicate with many people and try to get a long with all of them. Actually, I divide them into two groups: good acquaintances, with which I have much in common and close friends. Certainly, I can enumerate close friends using my fingers on one hand, but they are real ones. They manage to get me out very seldom. However, it does not mean that we would visit clubs and pubs. We prefer cultural programs: we go to theaters, museums, concerts and exhibitions.

— Which concerts do you normally visit, which music do you like? — Of course as every young man I like modern music. But the works of such great composers like Bah, Mozart, Vivaldi helps me to find the harmony with my inner world and sometimes to get ready to the game. I can say that these are the melodies of my soul.

— All sportsmen have to often go to different countries to participate in the international tournaments. How do you sustain all those travels? Do you like to travel? — I try to go abroad as rare as possible. For everywhere I go the adventures find me (laughing). Once I was playing in Sweden, by accident I threw my ticket away and could not leave the country. There was, to put it mildly, an extreme trip. That is why during this kind of trips I try to be very careful and attentive. By nature I am very absent-minded person. Sometimes I don’t manage to have everything under control.

— Luck plays an important role in sport. Chess is not an exception. The astrologists think that luck depends on the stars’ arrangement in the sky. What helps you to win in a game? Maybe you have a talisman? — Truly speaking I don’t believe in horoscopes and that the stars can bring a victory. I am a religious man and profess Christianity. The truth is that I was christened only two years ago, despite the fact that I believed in God when I was 10−12. That was the first time when I noticed that if I pray and ask God to help — I got it. The same concerned chess. My prayers helped me to win. The main talisman of mine is my belief.

— How did you come to a belief? Was it a critical moment in your life which made you to believe in God? — In my childhood I was not an easy child. I must confess that was even swearing. Simply speaking I wanted to be like all the rest. But once my school leadership got to know that one of our classmates was an experienced drug addicted. Here I understood what can happen if you conduct the way of life «like everyone». Anything but not a great future. Since that moment I started searching for myself. The belief in God changed my attitude to a life and helped me a lot. I reviewed everything. Since then I am trying to improve myself.

— I was always interested what dreams do the successful people have. Tell me about your cherished dream? — I am not a dreamer. I just want to live a sensible life and know that I used all the opportunities and made my best to secure a good future to my family and myself. I want to have my own family and hold a quiet life.

By the way about the family… Beautiful ladies, let me make you happy: our favorite handsome Grandmaster from Czech Republic does not have a fiancée so far. So, hurry up to win the heart of the young chess player. Perhaps the hands of namely Siberian girl will create warmness and comfort of the family heart which David really needs in the fairy city Prague.

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